At Tandym Health, a division of Tandym Group, we specialize in helping therapy practitioners throughout their job search. We work with some of the best healthcare facilities in Norfolk, VA and are focused on connecting therapists with jobs in Virginia that meet their particular interests. We tailor our search strategy to each individual, and provide opportunities to work in a variety of specialties. By working with us, you’ll have access to industry experts specialized in recruiting for a variety of roles.
We’re committed to making connections that can change lives, starting with you. We’ll work with you to understand your needs, and evolve with you if they shift. We’re on this journey right beside you, guiding you through your search for the right match.
When you partner with us, you get access to a dedicated therapy expert in your specialty area. Whether you are looking for a new direct hire role or to find local contracts and per diem shifts, our team can match your skills and interests to the right opportunities.
We’re only successful when you are. From expertise on evolving industry trends to resume help and interview prep, our Norfolk therapy recruiters are here to offer you guidance and support whenever you need us.
Tandym employees
Companies we’ve found talent for
Open jobs we’ve filled
Years building successful relationships